This approach seems to reliably net me heroic victories - I will lose anywhere from 200-800 units and will kill anywhere from 2500-4000 units depending on the quality of the army/armies I'm facing. I do this with my shock, but I leave my tarantines to wipe out routing enemy units so I don't have to fight them again. By this point enemy cav and ranged are dead, and my cav can rear charge the enemy infantry.

Once missiles are exhausted, they charge. Peltasts move to the rear of the micro fights going on (usually I'll have two or three enemy units ganging a single hoplite/phalanx) and throw all their javs into the rear of the blobs (usually router at least one unit). Once main spears are engaged and enemy are held down, I dispose of enemy cav with my anti-cav cav, and enemy missiles with my shock cav. In the gaps of the rear line, I have peltasts, and on the wings I have some fast anti-cav cav (usually tarantines) and some shock anti infantry cav (lancers of any type). I deploy formation spears (phalanx or hoplites depending on the faction) as my backbone and anvil, but instead of a solid line I space them in a chequerboard formation (similar to the Roman quincunx). In terms of play style, I enjoy playing in a hybrid hellenic/roman style. Fantastic pikemen with great holding power (and more damage than hoplites), good flanking infantry in the form of Thesprotian and Apulian infantry (both similar to Roman style legionaries), great cavalry roster and elephants! Unit roster wise, my favourite faction. Ignoring your last sentence completely, Epirus is, in my view, the super faction that has everything. Hold the enemy with medium-grade spears and obliterate the flanks with superior shock infantry/cavalry, or have a mainline with some killing potential but kind of limp support? So rather than asking what the super faction is that has everything, I'd like to ask the forums: which approach to battle do you prefer? Generally whoever you choose, you can either have top-tier flanking hammer troops (Mauryans, most barbarians, etc.), or top-tier mainline anvil troops (Hellenic factions, kind of Rome), and you can always supplement whatever subpar troops your faction has with AOR or mercenaries to fill the gap. The AOR system allows you to build a well-balanced army with any faction from anywhere on the map, but elites are appropriately reserved to the factions. I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised by how well balanced all of the factions are despite my efforts. I've been searching in vain for the "right fit" with a strong mainline holding roster and also superior flanking assault troops. I'm gearing up for another grand campaign, and weighing several factions to choose from.